Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Perspective

Happy Sunday! I'm writing from my hospital bed on a laptop my sister loaned me, so that's a good sign. They are watching blood counts to see when they can release me to get stronger at home. I've given up the game plans of the normal chemo patient that was outlined to me. This is Karen's-sensitive to every medicine-body we're dealing with. I'm on a day by day journey now and it's OK. I'm finally noticing less resistance to the fact that the cancer has returned. It was just this week that I began to feel more of a submission. One nurse called this fight a commitment, but I've found I have to submit to this new journey for me ("opportunity", as Neal Maxwell would call it) and focus on what I can learn from it, before I can commit and I think that is coming.
When I first entered the hospital, my rebellious self resisted putting on the infamous gown. I knew once I did, I would be theirs! The thing about the hospital is you enter the Hospital Standard Time Zone. Forget the clock on the wall, they have their own watches set to HST. Here's the translation for when you are in their zone:
• Dr. says, "I'll send you back to the hospital through ER so you can get a bed sooner: 6 hours
Nurses' comments:
• I'll run and get it: 1 hour
• I'll be right back: 30 min.
• I'll get your nurse: 30 min. or during changing of the nurses: 1 hour
• I've called transport, they'll be right here: 30 min to 1 hour
I'm learning to go with the flow and am making good friends. It really takes a special person to be a nurse.
Thanks for all your love and support. I feel it daily.


Alyssa Monahan said...

I'm thankful for your thoughts! You inspire me and everyone who reads this! Love you!

Jason and Kimber said...

Karen--Jason and I (Kimber Gray) from the ward just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. I am grateful for your thoughts as they are buoying me up through challenges.
Even though you are going through the ringer, you are so optimistic and have really learned to turn your trials to the Lord. Amazing!!

Hang in there!! Cancer is not our friend. My 20 year old sister had cancer at 5 months old and now at 20 yrs. Also, my dad was just dx with kidney cancer. It is no fun. However, you all have amazing attitudes!

Cathy Leavitt said...

Hang in there! My prayers are with you. You CAN do it! Love you lots!

Unknown said...

I am Karen's sister, Kathy. I get to visit with her daily, mostly at the hospital or sometimes by phone. I have seen a lot of what she goes through. She is amazing!!! It is hard stuff to go through and she never complains but tries to find the positive in the journey. It is a blessing, never a burden, to be able to serve her in small ways. I feel blessed being able to go by her side on this journey with angels. And yes, she has had many of those being in the form of nurses. Thanks for your prayers on her behalf, I KNOW they help.

Lana and Terry said...

This is your favorite Aunt (not Janell) Lana:) Karen, you are truly amazing and yes, we are praying so hard for you daily! As always, your strength and positive attitude encourage and uplift me. I'm so glad that you were able to post and update us. I think about you daily and sincerely hope you can go home soon. We love you!!!

Sandee said...

Karen! I have been waiting anxiously for an update! So great to hear your "sunshine" emanate through your blog! Keep up the good work. This is no sprint...this is a long distance run. We pray for you daily, have fasted for you multiple times now, and just love love love you!